Sneaky girlfriend

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"I kissed her in the cab and turned her head to him offering her to him"
So this one is more about what my girlfriend got up to on the sly.

It was her housemates birthday so the two girls threw a party.

As the night dragged on we all left the house in search of more drink and a bit of a dance out in town. One of the guys took a shine to my girlfriend buying her drinks, giveing her a dance. I didn’t mind, she was naturally flirty and she was having fun. Plus the sight was always a turn on for me. Especially when I saw him reach his hands around her chest and try to lift up her skirt.

The night went on and I was ready to get her home and undressed. She however offered the guy a place to stay as he lived a bit of a distance. When asked why she invited him over she just smiled and while in the cab ride home, she showed her confidence and placed mine as well as his hand on either leg. I kissed her in the cab and turned her head to him offering her to him. Which of course he instantly took.

Now this wasn’t exactly sneaking around, however when we got home. He failed to rise to the occasion, apologised and went to sleep on the couch. But we fucked and I fell asleep.

I woke up to find her missing sometime in the middles of the night. Thought there was no way, and went towards the living room to find her riding him face towards our bedroom door but burried in his neck biting him trying not to moan.

I stood and watched to see if she’d notice me, she obviously had waited till I fell asleep walked out to help him with his performance issues.

He moaned and she clasped his mouth and told him to shhh don’t wake him, I’m going to tell him later just fuck me while he sleeps. She bit him again but you could still make out her moans.

I was rock hard and this clearly drove him over the edge. He pulled her off came on her chest and as she walked back towards the room she saw me watching.

We fucked all night long and her friend left before we got up.  
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Posted: Sep, 30 2018
Loved it
Posted: Aug, 28 2018
This is real turn on....

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