jappo Man 60
Wodonga, Victoria
Consume24 M 46 F 43
We are interested in experiencing a threesome. We are a clean well groomed couple with strong sex drives and a passion for foreplay and long and enjoyable fuck sessions. We want to also experience a foursome MFFF with plans to have a transfemale with...
ryley33 Man 20
lukey602012 Man 44
Wodongasingle Man 57
I'm comfortable with my looks and many people have found me attractive.
I'd like a little more in the looks department, but who wouldn't!
protias Man 35
love to explore and try new things at least twice. love learnig and adapting. i need to be taught by some one confident
Braba Man 32
CannonD Man 40
Country style, well spoken, fit, fun, clean, Kinky, fishing, camping, dining out, horses, dogs, hard working, confident, Dominant,
AnneC Woman 56
I’m an outdoors kind of girl who is interrsted in hiking, beach time, water sports and gardening. I enjoy reading books. I also enjoy cooking and taking care of myself through diet and practicing QiGong.
Antnjen M 36 F 38
We are an open couple just looking to spice things up a bit :) pretty much open to everyone and everything except a couple of hard limets but hey it never hurts to ask :)
Tezzaman92 M 33 F 32
We are a married couple who are happy and very much still in love and have an amazing sexual cemetery together and the reason we are here is because we have fantasy's that we want to explore together and we want to have a female join us in bed