Asian girls in United States

Are you looking for Asian girls in United States? We are one of the largest Asian girls sites in United States.

Here are some locals looking for Asian girls in United States

My name is Jessica if you want to know me better you can ask anything you want to know about me or drop me your contact so we can be able to chat and get to know more about each other better if you are interested

I am easy going , understanding , fun to be with and down to earth . I am trying this again to see if there are still any good men out there . Hope i find one .

i'm me, wanna know more? ask from me and not a third party lol

I like working with my hands and getting dirty… in my shed.

I’m Katrina and I’m a good looking girl with a good heart and I’m here to look for a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship

Single lady never married before with no kids Kind hated sincere honest and loving lady