Dogging sex in Tasmania, Australia

Are you looking for Dogging sex in Tasmania? We are one of the largest Dogging sex sites in TAS.

Here are some locals looking for Dogging sex in Australia, TAS

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Adventurous sensual and generally ready for fun!

Naughty. Travel lots so hard to find time for anything full time. This is why Im trying this forum out. Adventurous outgoing. Laugh lots. generally open minded. Im up for most things. Enjoy being equal with the right person sexually. i can go as...

Play dates wanted!!

We are a happily married couple, initially looking for a girl to be ravished by the bisexual female of the duo...and then enjoying time spent with couples that allowed for full swaps and foursome fun. NO Single guys

Sex! Let's be honest about things, my main interest is lots of sex.

Were a young couple looking to explore and fill each other's needs and fetishes. Not just at home we travel alot as well. Were looking for certain fetishes to be ticked off the bucket list. Very much so inlove so we're taking things to the...


Relaxed Tradey, Just looking for interesting people to interact with in many different ways. I enjoy chatting to nice people and then you never know where things will lead.