Dogging sex in United States

Are you looking for Dogging sex in United States? We are one of the largest Dogging sex sites in United States.

Here are some locals looking for Dogging sex in United States

Retired collage instructor, Industrial Engineer, Insurance investigator/adjuster, EX drag racer, home builder. Buildt most of my own cars. Boater both power and sail. From Florida, attended 7 colleges. I hate to be around vapers and smokers. Breath...

I'm a divoiced woman with no children. i need a honest and caring man who thinks much about making family and also with a sense of humor. I'm a type that hate lies

Sex! Let's be honest about things, my main interest is lots of sex.

We love to be on the water or laid back relaxing whatever way we can. New to the ls looking to meets some like minded friends

I am a confident passionate naughty spontaneous humerus man with extraordinary skills to create otherworldly pleasure