Jajaja0 Man 47
Parramatta, New South Wales
When we meet you your experience the orgasm of your life
lmaoh Man 45
jazz0012004 Man 23
JanMuh Man 45
I'd like a little more in the looks department, but who wouldn't!
Ayush123_4 Man 21
RozaRoza Man 36
I am kind guy
whosasking Man 26
Enjoy a good meal, laugh at the pub , watching the footy
cranky121211 Man 31
Tony069 Man 40
Sex! Let's be honest about things, my main interest is lots of sex.
jettforfun Man 45
Here for a good time not looking for a relationship Like to Keep it casual & fun
irakada Man 28
Jojacksonyeah Man 24