Poyamory-3some sex in Forde, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Are you looking for Poyamory-3some sex in Forde? We are one of the largest Poyamory-3some sex sites in Canberra.

Here are some locals looking for Poyamory-3some sex in Australia, Forde


Cautious but Keen

We are a happily married professional couple recently venturing into the lifestyle. Our preference is to chat a little before we arrange to meet for a drink. Initially the chats here are with S (him) so that she can hopefully avoid most of the time...

I am happily married and looking to discretely venture into the lifestyle, explore some interests/desires, and decide if reality can live up to the fantasies. I have a couples account (SnVinACT) and share what I’m doing but I do play by myself. I...

I'm more cerebral than physical; books, cinema, travel - that's my speed.